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Kuretake GANSAI TAMBI solid watercolors, set 36 colors in pans. Each Pan Size 47x28x10 mm. Paint in each Pan 44x25x3 mm. Carton Box Size 324x200x18 mm.
Composition of the Set (Chromatic Order by Violtan): Set 36: - #10 White
- #40 Lemon Yellow
- #43 Mid Yellow
- #42 Bright Yellow
- #33 Orange
- #31 Scarlet Red
- #32 Red
- #30 Cadmium Red
- #35 Carmine Red
- #34 Dark Pink
- #36 Wine Red
- #37 Deep Pink
- #139 Purple
- #38 Deep Violet
- #66 Menthol Violet
- #67 Deep Blue
- #61 Cornflower Blue
- #64 Blue
- #63 Persian Blue
- #62 Cobalt Blue
- #57 Turquoise Green
- #56 Marine Green
- #50 Pale Aqua
- #55 Green
- #52 Ocean Green
- #51 May Green
- #53 Mid Green
- #58 Ever Green
- #54 Olive Green
- #44 Light Brown
- #46 Brown
- #47 Dark Brown
- #20 Black
- #95 Silver
- #91 Rich Gold
- #90 Gold
Pearl Colors Set 6: - #740 Pearl Lemon Yellow
- #731 Pearl Scarlet Red
- #734 Pearl Pink
- #762 Pearl Cobalt Blue
- #751 Pearl May Green
- #906 White Gold
Starry Colors Set 6: - #906 White Gold
- #905 Light Gold
- #904 Champagne Gold
- #901 Blue Gold
- #903 Yellow Gold
- #902 Red Gold
Gem Colors Set 6: - #903 Yellow Gold
- #830 Gem Red
- #831 Gem Pink
- #861 Gem Violet
- #860 Gem Blue
- #850 Gem Green
- Apply water brush with color to activate it. - Available in set of 12 colors, 18 colors, 24 colors, and 36 colors. - Gansai pan may exhibit cracking due to extreme dryness, however, it does not affect their quality. - Occasionally, Gansai pan texture may look rough due to tiny air bubbles which can occur during production, which does not affect their quality. - Please create a color chart by painting the color onto the chart on the back side of a lid.
Please note: - Not intended for use by children - When in store, keep Gansai pan horizontally with pallet facing upwards. - Do not leave in direct sunlight or in high temperatures. - Do not use for a purpose other than as intended. - Wash your brush after use. - Make sure pallet is dry before storing.
Kuretake, Made in Japan