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Color Sets for Hobby, Art & Craft

1Bianyo Acrylic Collection 48x22ml
2Mont Marte Dimension Acrylic 36x37ml
3Deli Felt Pen-Brush 24
4Giotto Oil Pastels 48
5Mont-Marte Extra Soft Premium Oil Pastels 120
6Toison D'OR Extra Soft Pastels 48
7Daler-Rowney Studio Set Watercolor 48
8Eberhard Faber Opaque Colors 25
9Faber-Castell Creative Studio Set Watercolor 48
10Giotto Watercolor 36
11Koh-i-Noor Watercolors set 24 Master-Class Mondeluz
12Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor Set 36 + 6x3
13Kuretake Gansai Tambi 100 Color Set
14Sakura KOI Watercolors Set 72/48/24
15Sakura KOI Watercolors Set 96
16Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors 45
Set ADIM36
36 PCE 37 mL (1.25 US fl.oz), 35 different colors.
Mont Marte DIMENSION Acrylic is a high viscosity,
fine art paint that offers artists a new dimension in painting.
Ideal for Artists of all levels.
Main Features:
- High Viscosity
- Gloss Finish
- Strong Colour Intensity
- Excellent Lightfastness
- Premium Quality Pigments

This acrylic's ultra thick consistency can be applied with brush,
palette knife or shaper to create especially exaggerated texture effects.

Dries hard and holds shape while still maintaining flexibility and smooth flowability.
It can be diluted with water or acrylic mediums for glazing or watercolour techniques.
With dilution, the pigment still holds strong colour intensity.

Excellent lightfastness and premium quality pigment means colour strength
will stay brilliant for longer.

The DIMENSION series is available in a range of vivid colours which dry to a radiant gloss finish.
Suitable for beginners to professionals.

    The composition of set (Color's Name, Opacity, Lightfastness, Pigments):
  1. Titanium White OP***, PW6
  2. Zink White ST***, PW4
  3. Cream OP***, PW6/PY42
  4. Flesh Tint OP**, PW6/PY1
  5. Lemon Yellow ST**, PY3
  6. Medium Yellow ST**, PY1
  7. Yellow Deep ST**, PY1/PO13
  8. Orange ST**, PO13/PY1
  9. Azo Vermilion ST**, PY3/PR170

  10. Brilliant Red TR***, PR254
  11. Permanent Red OP***, PR8
  12. Magenta TR***, PR122
  13. Rose Madder ST***, PR122/PR63:1
  14. Mauve OP***, PR146/PV23
  15. Violet ST***, PV23/PR122/PW6
  16. Purple OP***, PV23
  17. Ultramarine Blue TR***, PB29
  18. Cobalt Blue ST***, PB29/PW6/PB15

  19. Phthalo Blue ST***, PB15
  20. Monastral Cerulean OP***, PW6/PB15:3/PG7
  21. Turquoise OP***, PB15:3/PG7/PW6
  22. Viridian ST***, PG7
  23. Hookers Green Deep ST***, PG7/PO13
  24. Sap Green ST**, PY1/PB15
  25. Terre Verte OP***, PY1/PB15/PO13
  26. Monastral Green ST***, PG7/PY3
  27. Olive Green ST**, PB15:3/PO13/PY1

  28. Yellow Ochre OP***, PY42
  29. Raw Sienna OP***, PY42/PR101
  30. Burnt Sienna ST***, PR101/PY4
  31. Burnt Umber ST***, PR101/PY42/PBk7
  32. Raw Umber ST***, PR101/PY42/PBk7
  33. Lamp Black OP***, PBk7
  34. Lamp Black OP***, PBk7
  35. Silver ST**, MICA
  36. Gold ST**, MICA

TR - Transparent
ST - Semi-Transparent
OP - Opaque
* - Good Lightfast Quality
** - Very Good Lightfast Quality
*** - Excellent Lightfast Quality
Carton Box 315x300x65mm(max.).
PMDA3637_V01 80664
Designed in Ausralia and made in China
under licence for Mont Marte Intl. Pty Ltd.

ACN 101 589 897
Conforms to ASTM D-4236

Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.
May present choking hazard - small parts.

Colors Chart ADIM36
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