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Paint Sets for Hobby, Art & Craft

1Bianyo Acrylic Collection 48x22ml
2Mont Marte Dimension Acrylic 36x37ml
3Deli Felt Pen-Brush 24
4Giotto Oil Pastels 48
5Mont-Marte Extra Soft Premium Oil Pastels 120
6Toison D'OR Extra Soft Pastels 48
7Daler-Rowney Studio Set Watercolor 48
8Eberhard Faber Opaque Colors 25
9Faber-Castell Creative Studio Set Watercolor 48
10Giotto Watercolor 36
11Koh-i-Noor Watercolors set 24 Master-Class Mondeluz
12Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolor Set 36 + 6x3
13Kuretake Gansai Tambi 100 Color Set
14Sakura KOI Watercolors Set 72/48/24
15Sakura KOI Watercolors Set 96
16Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors 45
Set FCWC48
Faber-Castell Creative Studio
Watercolours set 48

The Creative studio concept enables both aspiring
and hobby artists to express and enjoy their creativity,
with a high-quality offer, fulfilling all needs.
6 Rows x 8 Colors

    The Colors:

  1. 104 - Light Yellow Glaze
  2. 107 - Cadmium Yellow
  3. 108 - Dark Cadmium Yellow
  4. 109 - Dark Chrome Yellow
  5. 111 - Cadmium Orange
  6. 113 - Orange Glaze
  7. 117 - Light Cadmium Red
  8. 118 - Scarlet Red

  9. 126 - Permanent Carmine
  10. 219 - Deep Scarlet Red
  11. 133 - Magenta
  12. 226 - Alizarin Crimson
  13. 194 - Red-Violet
  14. 284 - Purple
  15. 134 - Crimson
  16. 138 - Violet

  17. 120 - Ultramarine
  18. 143 - Cobalt Blue
  19. 285 - Oriental Blue
  20. 247 - Indanthrene Blue
  21. 152 - Middle Phthalo Blue
  22. 145 - Light Phtahlo Blue
  23. 150 - Turquoise
  24. 154 - Light Cobalt Turquoise

  25. 156 - Cobalt Green
  26. 158 - Deep Cobalt Green
  27. 276 - Chrome Oxide Green Fiery
  28. 161 - Phtahlo Green
  29. 264 - Dark Phthalo Green
  30. 166 - Grass Green
  31. 278 - Chromium Oxide Green
  32. 170 - May Green

  33. 183 - Light Yellow Ochre
  34. 190 - Venetian Red
  35. 188 - Sanguine
  36. 172 - Earth Green
  37. 178 - Nougat
  38. 280 - Burnt Umber
  39. 234 - Cold Grey V
  40. 199 - Black

  41. 252 - Copper
  42. 353 - Bronze
  43. 250 - Gold
  44. 301 - White Metallic
  45. 256 - Yellow Fluorescent
  46. 256 - Green Fluorescent
  47. 256 - Orange Fluorescent
  48. 256 - Rose Fluorescent

Colors Chart FCWC48
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The Site first published at July 11, 2004.
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