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Logo Pebeo Vitrea-160 paints
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Pebeo Vitrea-160 paints
Transparent water-based Paints for Glass, Porcelain

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Pebeo Vitrea-160 paints, Water-Based Transparent Paints for Glass, Pebeo

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Frosted Mint

[Pebeo Vitrea-160 paints]
Frosted Transparent Water-based paint for Glass
Product PV37

Pebeo Vitrea.
Frosted water-based paints for glass.
45 ml 1.5 fl.oz.

Colors can be mixed together and cleaned with water before backing.
Stir well before using.
Before painting with Vitrea 160, simply degrease with alcohol or soapy water.
Thin with Vitrea 160 thinner.
Leave to dry for 24 hours after application then bake in domestic oven
for 40 mins of 160°C/325°F.
Place the decorated object in a cold oven.
Once the temperature has reached 160°C (325°F), allow to bake for 40 minutes.
After baking, colours are dishwasher safe and resistant
to detergents and common solvents.

Time of drying for a contact about 15 minutes.

After drying within 1-7 days even without baking Paint is not washed off by water.

Produced by Pebeo, France

45 ml / 60 g  Pebeo
$6.63 x  

Pebeo Vitrea-160 paints

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