Collection of Paints for Hobby, Art & Craft:    The Shop
2025-03-12; 04:39:05

Light Blue

[Pebeo Vitrail]
Transparent solvent-based paint for Glass and Metal.
Product VG36 Brilliant Glossy
Transparent colour for glass, metal.
Solvent based.
45 ml 1.5 fl.oz

Color can be mixed together. I
mitates Stained Glass with Cerne (?) relief outliners.
Air drying: Touch dry in 1 hour and thoroughly dry in 8 hours.
Clean the brushes with turpentine substitute.
[Highly] Flammable.
Keep out of reach of children.
If swallowed, seek medical advice immediatly and show this container or label (or this description on web-site).
Contains butanone-oxime.
May produce an allergic reaction.

Produced by Pebeo, France

Violtan Note:
Diluent - regular or mineral turpentine.

45 ml / 60 g  Pebeo
$6.05 x  

Pebeo Vitrail