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1: All Authors
2: Modern Glass
3: Chesnakov Michael
4: Girish Salvi
5: Kaplun Vladimir
6: Eremenko Diana
7: Eremenko Vitaly
8: Fidelman Tatiana
9: Denisov Irina
10: Jurbenko Alena
11: Sevostyanov Helena
12: Shevkunova Inna

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2: Water-colours
3: Gouache
4: Acrylic
5: Oil Painting
6: H2Oil Aqua-Oil
7: Graphic Arts
8: Pastel, Pencils
9: Artificial Stained Glass
10: Painting on Glass
11: Engraving on Glass
12: Decoration on ware
13: Incrustations on a wood
14: Paintings on PC
15: Purls by Cross
16: Hand Knitting
17: Decoration on Dress
18: Trappings
19: Batik, Drawing on Silk
20: 3D-Handmade Figures
21: Decoupage on Wood
22: Patterns for Vitrag
23: Samples for Child-Art
24: Photo and Illustrations
25: Miscellanea
Kaplun Vladimir
Batik, Drawing on Silk
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Kaplun Vladimir
1)  [KIN1]

Kaplun Vladimir
2)  [KIN2]

Kaplun Vladimir
Wood Art-Furniture 550*245 cm
3)  [KINST3]

Kaplun Vladimir
Cover of a coffee table
4)  [KIN4]

Kaplun Vladimir
Colors Plastic
5)  [KMZ1]

Kaplun Vladimir
Colors Plastic Fantasy
6)  [KMZ2]

Kaplun Vladimir
Geometrical Forms with Colors Plastic
7)  [KMZ3]

Kaplun Vladimir
Geometrical Forms with Colors Plastic 2
8)  [KMZ4]

Kaplun Vladimir
Colors Plastic 2
9)  [KMZ5]

Kaplun Vladimir
Fragment from Kuindgy's painting "Birchwood"
10)  [KMZ6]

Kaplun Vladimir
Vertical fragment from Kuindgy's painting "Birchwood"
11)  [KMZ7]

Kaplun Vladimir
Wood landscape in the winter
12)  [KMZ8]

Kaplun Vladimir
The last pieces of ice on Dnepr
13)  [KMZ9]

Kaplun Vladimir
14)  [KMZ10]

Kaplun Vladimir
Conditional avant guarde
15)  [KMZ11]

Kaplun Vladimir
Downy Dandelions
16)  [KMZ12]

Kaplun Vladimir
The Roses
17)  [KMZ13]

Kaplun Vladimir
White Chrysanthemums
18)  [KMZ14]

Kaplun Vladimir
Bullfinchs - behind a window winter
19)  [KMZ15]

Kaplun Vladimir
Air landscape
20)  [KMZ16]

Kaplun Vladimir
21)  [KMZ17]

Kaplun Vladimir
Evening ring
22)  [KMZ18]

Kaplun Vladimir
23)  [KMZ19]

Kaplun Vladimir
Road in Forest
24)  [KMZ20]

Kaplun Vladimir
God's vision
25)  [KMZ21]

Kaplun Vladimir
26)  [KMZ22]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lilies on water
27)  [KMZ23]

Kaplun Vladimir
28)  [KMZ24]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter landscape
29)  [KMZ25]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lilac 2
30)  [KMZ26]

Kaplun Vladimir
Sinaitic Mountain
31)  [KMZ27]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter Jerusalem
32)  [KMZ28]

Kaplun Vladimir
33)  [KMZ29]

Kaplun Vladimir
The Belarus autumn
34)  [KMZ30]

Kaplun Vladimir
Blue birchwood
35)  [KMZ31]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lake Kineret
36)  [KMZ32]

Kaplun Vladimir
Mediterranean sea after a storm
37)  [KMZ33]

Kaplun Vladimir
Migration to home
38)  [KMZ34]

Kaplun Vladimir
Summer night Jerusalem
39)  [KMZ35]

Kaplun Vladimir
The salty Dead sea
40)  [KMZ36]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter dawn
41)  [KMZ37]

Kaplun Vladimir
Maple leaves
42)  [KMZ38]

Kaplun Vladimir
43)  [KMZ39]

Kaplun Vladimir
44)  [KMZ40]

Kaplun Vladimir
Mediterranean Sea
45)  [KMZ41]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lilac in a gold jug
46)  [KMZ42]

Kaplun Vladimir
Early spring
47)  [KMZ43]

Kaplun Vladimir
The winter comes
48)  [KMZ44]

Kaplun Vladimir
Hoar-frost 2
49)  [KMZ45]

Kaplun Vladimir
50)  [KMZ46]

Kaplun Vladimir
Blue dawn
51)  [KMZ47]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lake in a wood
52)  [KMZ48]

Kaplun Vladimir
Sunset 2
53)  [KMZ49]

Kaplun Vladimir
Velvet lilac
54)  [KMZ50]

Kaplun Vladimir
Yellow chrysanthemums
55)  [KMZ51]

Kaplun Vladimir
Delicacy 2
56)  [KMZ52]

Kaplun Vladimir
Orshica. Belarus
57)  [KMZ53]

Kaplun Vladimir
Spring Tide
58)  [KMZ54]

Kaplun Vladimir
59)  [KMZ55]

Kaplun Vladimir
Belarus in orange palette
60)  [KMZ56]

Kaplun Vladimir
Morning in Forest
61)  [KMZ57]

Kaplun Vladimir
62)  [KMZ58]

Kaplun Vladimir
Still Life with flowers
63)  [KMZ60]

Kaplun Vladimir
64)  [KMZ59]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 1
65)  [KGR1]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 2
66)  [KGR2]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 3
67)  [KGR3]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 4
68)  [KGR4]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 5
69)  [KGR5]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 6
70)  [KGR6]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 7
71)  [KGR7]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 8
72)  [KGR8]

Kaplun Vladimir
Side-streets of Old Riga 9
73)  [KGR9]

Kaplun Vladimir
Portrait of the grandson
74)  [KVP03]

Kaplun Vladimir
Portrait of my brother
75)  [KVP04]

Kaplun Vladimir
Portrait on the customer photos with half of face
76)  [KVP05]

Kaplun Vladimir
Portrait on the customer photos
77)  [KVP06]

Kaplun Vladimir
Geometrical Forms with Colors Plastic 3
78)  [KAZ2]

Kaplun Vladimir
79)  [KAZ4]

Kaplun Vladimir
Tenderness 3
80)  [KAZ5]

Kaplun Vladimir
Mellow autumn
81)  [KAZ6]

Kaplun Vladimir
82)  [KAZ7]

Kaplun Vladimir
Boulders on a river
83)  [KAZ8]

Kaplun Vladimir
Early spring 2
84)  [KAZ9]

Kaplun Vladimir
Autumnal roads
85)  [KAZ10]

Kaplun Vladimir
Pines on a stone plateau
86)  [KAZ11]

Kaplun Vladimir
87)  [KAZ12]

Kaplun Vladimir
In mountains of Israel
88)  [KAZ13]

Kaplun Vladimir
Water from melted snow
89)  [KAZ14]

Kaplun Vladimir
Village near lake
90)  [KAZ15]

Kaplun Vladimir
Autumnal tenderness
91)  [KAZ16]

Kaplun Vladimir
Road in Autumn
92)  [KAR01]

Kaplun Vladimir
Early spring-3
93)  [KAR02]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lake in a wood
94)  [KAR03]

Kaplun Vladimir
Stem at dawn
95)  [KAR04]

Kaplun Vladimir
Islands on lake
96)  [KAR05]

Kaplun Vladimir
Reflections in lake
97)  [KAR06]

Kaplun Vladimir
98)  [KAR07]

Kaplun Vladimir
99)  [KAR08]

Kaplun Vladimir
Forest Lake
100)  [KAR09]

Kaplun Vladimir
My village
101)  [KAR10]

Kaplun Vladimir
Decline above an arable land
102)  [KAR11]

Kaplun Vladimir
Fast water
103)  [KAR12]

Kaplun Vladimir
Reflections - evening
104)  [KAR13]

Kaplun Vladimir
Orange tree
105)  [KAR14]

Kaplun Vladimir
106)  [KAR15]

Kaplun Vladimir
Israel - Mediterranean sea
107)  [KAR16]

Kaplun Vladimir
108)  [KAR17]

Kaplun Vladimir
Still Life
109)  [KAR18]

Kaplun Vladimir
110)  [KAR19]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lane in Jerusalem
111)  [KA20]

Kaplun Vladimir
My daughter. The girl with doggy
112)  [KVP01]

Kaplun Vladimir
Morning in a wood
113)  [KAZ03]

Kaplun Vladimir
The mountain river with thresholds
114)  [KVM01]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter mountain ash under a window
115)  [KVM05]

Kaplun Vladimir
On coast Orshitsy
116)  [KVM07]

Kaplun Vladimir
Mediterranean Sea
117)  [KVM32]

Kaplun Vladimir
In a Forest
118)  [KVM31]

Kaplun Vladimir
On road to Jerusalem
119)  [KVM29]

Kaplun Vladimir
120)  [KVM20]

Kaplun Vladimir
Mellow autumn
121)  [KVM08]

Kaplun Vladimir
Gold rising
122)  [KVA14]

Kaplun Vladimir
Road to a wood
123)  [KVA15]

Kaplun Vladimir
Bunch of a mountain ash in the winter
124)  [KVA01]

Kaplun Vladimir
Morning in mountains of Israel
125)  [KVM2]

Kaplun Vladimir
Evening Jerusalem in a snow.
126)  [KVM03]

Kaplun Vladimir
One of corners of city in which I lived
127)  [KVM04]

Kaplun Vladimir
More close to a decline
128)  [KVA03]

Kaplun Vladimir
Warm day. Belarus
129)  [KVA05]

Kaplun Vladimir
Laid up. Belarus.
130)  [KVA04]

Kaplun Vladimir
Red currant
131)  [KVA06]

Kaplun Vladimir
Fog, early spring. Moscow suburbs
132)  [KVA10]

Kaplun Vladimir
Flowers - blue, pink with white.
133)  [KVM22]

Kaplun Vladimir
The Israeli motives.
134)  [KVM23]

Kaplun Vladimir
135)  [KM09]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter evening
136)  [KM10]

Kaplun Vladimir
On a fishing tackle with the friend
137)  [KM11]

Kaplun Vladimir
Island - Coast of Dnepr
138)  [KM12]

Kaplun Vladimir
Fiery Tree
139)  [KM13]

Kaplun Vladimir
Winter dawn.
140)  [KM14]

Kaplun Vladimir
The emerald moon.
141)  [KM15]

Kaplun Vladimir
The citric moon
142)  [KM16]

Kaplun Vladimir
143)  [KM17]

Kaplun Vladimir
144)  [KM18]

Kaplun Vladimir
Blue landscape
145)  [KM34]

Kaplun Vladimir
Color-Plastic art
146)  [KM26]

Kaplun Vladimir
About port. Black sea
147)  [KM33]

Kaplun Vladimir
Road to the house. Belarus.
148)  [KA18]

Kaplun Vladimir
Baltic Sea. Latvia
149)  [KA17]

Kaplun Vladimir
Dawn on farm. Ukraine
150)  [KA16]

Kaplun Vladimir
151)  [KM19]

Kaplun Vladimir
152)  [KM24]

Kaplun Vladimir
153)  [KM25]

Kaplun Vladimir
Yellow Flowers: Color-Plasticity
154)  [KM27]

Kaplun Vladimir
Color-plasticity 2
155)  [KM28]

Kaplun Vladimir
156)  [KM30]

Kaplun Vladimir
Do not have come behind the order.
157)  [KM35]

Kaplun Vladimir
Pending the owner
158)  [KM36]

Kaplun Vladimir
Lake on Mountains
159)  [KM37]

Kaplun Vladimir
The green world
160)  [KM38]

Kaplun Vladimir
Morning foggy
161)  [KA07]

Kaplun Vladimir
Morning frosty. Moscow suburbs
162)  [KA09]

Kaplun Vladimir
Decline on lake. Ukraine
163)  [KA13]

Kaplun Vladimir
Thawing weather. Belarus
164)  [KA12]

Kaplun Vladimir
High water. Belarus
165)  [KA11]

Kaplun Vladimir
Gold branch
166)  [KA08]

Kaplun Vladimir
Orange rainbow
167)  [KA19]

Kaplun Vladimir
Autumn landscape
168)  [KA02]

Kaplun Vladimir
The girl in bikini 1
169)  [KG01]

Kaplun Vladimir
The girl in bikini 2
170)  [KG02]

Kaplun Vladimir
The girl in bikini 3
171)  [KG03]

Kaplun Vladimir
The girl in bikini 4
172)  [KG04]

172 Images by Author OR Category

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